01344 761050 St Sebastian's Church Office office@stsebastians.org.uk


If you are planning your wedding, then congratulations from all of us in the Parish of St Sebastian’s Wokingham Without!

 We are most delighted when couples choose to get married in our church, and recent changes in the law make this much easier.   You do not have to be baptised or a churchgoer to get married in church, although the marriage service is of course a Christian one, in which you make promises to God, as well as each other.

 Our Parish Church is a popular place to get married.

 You are welcome to get married in St Sebastian’s, as long as you fulfil one of the following criteria:

 One of you must have:

  • lived at any time in the parish for a period of at least six months;
  • been been baptised at St Sebastian’s;
  • been prepared for Confirmation in the Parish;
  • attended regular services at St Sebastian’s at any time for a period of at least six months, or that one of your parents, at any time after you were born, has:
  • lived in the parish for a period of at least six months;
  • attended regular services at St Sebastian’s for a period of at least six months.

Or that one of your parents or grandparents was married at any of our churches.

To find out whether an address is in the Parish of St Sebastian’s, please go to: www.achurchnearyou.com and enter your postcode.

There may be other circumstances in which you could get married, please contact the Parish Office.

We will need to fill in some forms with you.  You will also want to talk to you about your special service, and the Christian understanding of marriage.

The Church of England has a great website of resources for church weddings.   Please follow this link for more information.

If you would like to get married at St Sebastian’s Church, please contact Reverend Rickey Simpson-Gray or Kirsty Milam (Office Manager) via the Parish Office address below:

St Sebastian’s Parish Office
Nine Mile Ride, Wokingham
Berkshire RG40 3AT


01344 761050



9:00 am Parish Office Open Thursday @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre
Parish Office Open Thursday @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre
Dec 5 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Parish Office Open Thursday @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre | England | United Kingdom
The parish office is open. You can also request for the church to be open for private prayer and reflection during this time by emailing or calling Kirsty in the office.
7:00 pm St Sebastian’s Choir Rehearsals @ St Sebastian's Church
St Sebastian’s Choir Rehearsals @ St Sebastian's Church
Dec 5 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
St Sebastian's Choir Rehearsals @ St Sebastian's Church | England | United Kingdom
Calling all singers’ Come and join the Christmas choir here at St Sebastian’s as we prepare for the carol service on 22nd December. Everyone welcome. Rehearsals Thursdays 7-8.30pm at St Sebs church starting 7th November.[...]
9:00 am Parish Office Open Friday @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre
Parish Office Open Friday @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre
Dec 6 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Parish Office Open Friday @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre | England | United Kingdom
The parish office is open. You can also request for the church to be open for private prayer and reflection during this time by emailing or calling Kirsty in the office.
10:00 am 10am Little Angels @ St Sebastian's Church Hall
10am Little Angels @ St Sebastian's Church Hall
Dec 6 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am
10am Little Angels @ St Sebastian's Church Hall | England | United Kingdom
Little Angels is our weekly coffee morning and toddler group. Every Friday in school term time we meet in St. Sebastian’s Church Hall from 10 am till 11:30am. Feel free to drop in at any[...]
8:00 am 8am Sunday Morning Worship @ St Sebastian's Church
8am Sunday Morning Worship @ St Sebastian's Church
Dec 8 @ 8:00 am – 8:45 am
8am Sunday Morning Worship @ St Sebastian's Church | England | United Kingdom
This service is held weekly at 8:00am on Sundays and 10:00am fortnightly on Wednesdays. Please check the Parish calendar for the latest services The service follows the Common Worship structure and is supported by the[...]


Christingle Services at St Sebastian's on Sunday 8th December, 10am and 4pm. Looking forward to seeing many residents from our community for a good cause. Reverend Rickey Simpson-Gray St Sebastian's Church


Crowthorne is located in the Royal County of Berkshire close to the Hampshire and Surrey Borders.

The village of Crowthorne is split between the Unitary Authorities of Bracknell Forest Borough Council and Wokingham Borough Council and even those who live in the Wokingham Borough will tell you that they actually live in Crowthorne. There are few retail facilities within the Parish a small parade of shops in the east...