01344 761050 St Sebastian's Church Office office@stsebastians.org.uk

Parish Mission Partners

Mission Links

Have you ever thought why it is that the Word of God in the Bible talks so much about the poor and the disadvantaged? There are so many references, during Jesus’ ministry, of times when he called Christians to show love and practical concern for the poor, the excluded and those in need.

As a Parish, we are committed to making donations to mission, as Jesus instructed his followers: “Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly, for the Lord your God will bless you in everything you do”, 15th chapter of Deuteronomy. We share Mission funds between campaigns in the United Kingdom and overseas. Additionally, specific collections are occasionally made for particular charitable causes.

We support a number of smaller organisations, all of which have some personal contact with St Sebastian’s Church. We try to ensure that there are links with the charities we support so that we can receive feedback and understand the difference that our giving makes to the people we support.

Other larger charities are supported by the Parish: 

Foodbank, TearfundToyboxOpen DoorsThe Children’s Society,  Royal British Legion,  Mityana Charity, Yeldall Manor, Open Doors Charity, Univida – Brazil, LIV Village and Bulembu Ministries

(Nepal Critical Care Development Foundation) via Facebook


Nepal Critical Care Development Foundation (NCCDF) is a Not For Profit, tax exempt social organization established at 2012 with an objective of developing Critical Care Medicine in Nepal and helping upgrade ICU services in the country. The foundation aims to improve the availability of Critical Care Services in Nepal and facilitates education and training which assist to improve the care for critically ill patients. NCCDF has been active in numerous events and activities. Namely, the foundation conducts various CME’s and workshops, has been running ‘BASIC for NURSES’, ‘Infection Prevention and Control’ workshop for nurses and supports the care of patients.

Yeldall Manor

Yeldall Manor is a residential rehabilitation centre, set in 38 acres of Berkshire countryside near Reading. For over 40 years, it has been helping men to overcome serious drug or alcohol addictions and return to society to live new lives, drug, alcohol and crime free. Yeldall is a Christian organisation and all the staff and volunteers have a Christian faith. They believe that the best means of achieving true freedom is through a relationship with Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. However, they will never impose their viewpoint upon anyone, recognising freedom of choice in faith, as in other areas.

Open Doors

Over 340 million Christians are persecuted. They follow Jesus, no matter the cost. With your help, Open Doors are bringing them hope and resources.

The ministry of Open Doors has its origins in one man and one journey. In 1955, a young Dutchman went to Warsaw and discovered the existence of a persecuted church. He became known as Brother Andrew, and from 1955 to 1967 he travelled throughout Eastern Europe, delivering Scriptures, encouraging persecuted believers, and recruiting others to help him.

The publication of God’s Smuggler in 1967 catapulted Andrew to worldwide renown. An entire generation caught the vision of supporting the persecuted church.   In the six decades since Brother Andrew’s first journey, Open Doors has continued to seek out and strengthen the persecuted church.

“Open Doors has shown the true signs of the presence of the spirit of God in that it has been faithful to its vision and foundation, but adaptable as the world around it has changed. And, today, it is one of the most credible, powerful, authentic and determined advocates of the protection of Christians but also generally of religious liberty.

”The Most Revd and Rt Hon Justin Welby, Archbishop Of Canterbury

Mityana Charity

St Sebastian’s has been directly supporting the Mityana Charity in Uganda since 1997.

The Charity’s aims are the relief of poverty, the advancement of education, the relief of sickness, the advancement of religion and the promotion of sustainable development (meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs) in the area of Mityana, Uganda.

Univida – Brazil

UNiViDA’s work currently takes places in the heart of a slum community in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil. With a purpose-built facility and plenty of open space, Univida provides an additional 4 hours of education a day for 370 children in the form of an ‘after-school programme’.  Each day Univida provides a safe environment for children to play and make friends. They help students follow the state school curriculum and supervise their homework. (In a favela there is no quiet place, desk or chair for a child to study!)


10:00 am 10am Sunday Worship and Communion @ St Sebastian's Church
10am Sunday Worship and Communion @ St Sebastian's Church
Feb 16 @ 10:00 am – 11:15 am
10am Sunday Worship and Communion @ St Sebastian's Church | England | United Kingdom
This is a Communion Service that follows an adapted Common Worship format. This service, complemented by a Service Book and overhead projection, also features Worship Hymns / Songs, Bible readings, the Word of God, Intercessions[...]
9:00 am Parish Office Open @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre
Parish Office Open @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre
Feb 17 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Parish Office Open @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre | England | United Kingdom
The parish office is open. You can also request for the church to be open for private prayer and reflection during this time by emailing or calling Kirsty in the office.
7:30 pm 7.30pm Prayer Meetings
7.30pm Prayer Meetings
Feb 17 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm
7.30pm Prayer Meetings
Prayers Join Zoom Prayers Meeting ID: 973 9010 8686 Passcode: 563138 Join us online, every Monday at 7.30pm .
9:00 am Parish Office Open @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre
Parish Office Open @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre
Feb 21 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Parish Office Open @ St Sebastian's Parish Centre | England | United Kingdom
The parish office is open. You can also request for the church to be open for private prayer and reflection during this time by emailing or calling Kirsty in the office.
8:00 am 8am Sunday Morning Worship @ St Sebastian's Church
8am Sunday Morning Worship @ St Sebastian's Church
Feb 23 @ 8:00 am – 8:45 am
8am Sunday Morning Worship @ St Sebastian's Church | England | United Kingdom
This service is held weekly at 8:00am on Sundays and 10:00am fortnightly on Wednesdays. Please check the Parish calendar for the latest services The service follows the Common Worship structure and is supported by the[...]
10:00 am 10am Sunday Word and Worship @ St Sebastian's Church
10am Sunday Word and Worship @ St Sebastian's Church
Feb 23 @ 10:00 am – 11:15 am
10am Sunday Word and Worship @ St Sebastian's Church | England | United Kingdom
This is a non-Eucharistic Service. The informal structure, complemented by a Service Book and overhead projection of the service, reflects our love for Worship Hymns / Songs, Bible readings, the Word of God and Intercessions,[...]



Crowthorne is located in the Royal County of Berkshire close to the Hampshire and Surrey Borders.

The village of Crowthorne is split between the Unitary Authorities of Bracknell Forest Borough Council and Wokingham Borough Council and even those who live in the Wokingham Borough will tell you that they actually live in Crowthorne. There are few retail facilities within the Parish a small parade of shops in the east...