Letters from the Vicar
March 2024
Dear Friends The month of March was originally the first month of the year in older versions of the Roman calendar because of its association with the first day of spring. According to Royal Museums Greenwich, the 2024 Spring equinox occurs on 19th March at 11:06pm...
February 2024
Dear Friends, February is a time to look out for “Snowdrops” (galanthas nivalis) better known as “Candlemas Bells” across St Sebastian’s Churchyard, Bramshill Forest and our Parish. These flowers often bloom around this time of the year, even before “Candlemas”. Other...
January 2024
Dear Friends Happy New Year and a St Sebastian’s Parish welcome to 2024. I hope you were able to have some special family time during the Christmas Holiday season of 2023, only a week or so ago. A favourite New Year quote of mine by Joel Osteen is “to reach up for the...
December 2023
Dear Friends, Charles Dickens cited in “A Christmas Carol”, “I will honour Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year long.” Peter Marshall once cited: “May we not 'spend' Christmas or 'observe' Christmas, but rather 'keep' it.” Isn’t it so tempting to be...
November 2023
Dear Friends November has always been a time of festivals and celebrations marking the end of the harvest and the beginning of Winter. In this Parish of Wokingham St Sebastian’s, it is also a time where through baptism we become members of one another in Christ and...
October 2023
Dear Friends Welcome to the month of October in Wokingham Without and beyond its borders. October is a month for our semi-rural senses, according to The Campaign for Rural England. In our forests and nature parks, near and far, trees begin to turn colour, leaves...
August and September 2023
Dear Friends Welcome to the summer months of August and September in the Parish of Wokingham Without. Of August, John Todhunter (1839-1916) said: “Summer declines and roses have grown rare, but cottage crofts are gay with hollyhocks. And in old garden walks you...
July 2023
Dear Friends Welcome to the month of July in the Parish of Wokingham Without. July is named after Julius Caesar, a Roman general, statesman and historian. Julius Caesar is not mentioned in the Bible, nor did he live during the times recorded in the Bible, having...
Crowthorne is located in the Royal County of Berkshire close to the Hampshire and Surrey Borders.
The village of Crowthorne is split between the Unitary Authorities of Bracknell Forest Borough Council and Wokingham Borough Council and even those who live in the Wokingham Borough will tell you that they actually live in Crowthorne. There are few retail facilities within the Parish a small parade of shops in the east...