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Dear Friends

Welcome to the month of October in Wokingham Without and beyond its borders.   It is the time of year when Autumn begins.  In fact, according to the UK Met Office, Autumn is determined by the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, which began between 22nd and 23rd September.

October is when trees, particularly, in the abundance of local forests turn colour.   One of the most stunning signs of Autumn is the turning of leaves.  The shorter days are a sign to trees to prepare for winter.   They close down their food production systems in readiness for the season.

Preparing for winter is no different for us.   We take measures to ensure we enjoy the coming season of shorter days, colder days and nights and staying warm.   Equally, we avoid the dangers of seasonal depression affecting many in the coming months.

The seasons of the year, particularly, autumn and winter, provide useful metaphors for the different stages of life and spiritual growth as Christians.   They point to valuable lessons drawn in the walk of life.   The changing seasons of renewal and transformation reminds us of the opportunity for personal growth as well as the importance of letting go / embracing change.

Applying the biblical meaning of seasons in our lives helps us navigate through change with purpose and intentionality, recognising the need for personal growth, making the most of blessings and resting and reflecting.

Two favourite Christians of mine, Michael and Stormie Omartian, wrote an appropriate song (see lyrics below), the title track to their Gospel album entitled “Seasons of the Soul”.

“Whenever summer dreams start to fade and lose their light

And when the spring in your heart seems so cold it can’t be right

And you feel like you’ve lost control

And the valley seems so low

Well it’s not forever, just a season of the soul.”

“So when you look for the Voice that you’ve known and no one’s there

And when it seems the Caretaker’s heart just doesn’t care

It’s the seasons of the soul

It’s the seasons of the soul

Well it’s not forever, it’s the seasons of the soul.”

The 2nd chapter of Joel and 23rd verse cites: “Rejoice, you people of Jerusalem! Rejoice in the Lord your God! For the rain he sends demonstrates his faithfulness. Once more the autumn rains will come, as well as the rains of spring.”   The context of this narrative was of encouragement and hope during the historical climate of times.   These seasonal words still resonates as we face autumnal rains, floods, weather and other disturbances.  However, they are also a metaphor of God’s mercy to those who turn to him, who remain faithful and those with hope.

As the leaves fall in autumn, nature teaches us the lesson of letting go to be transformed. Just as trees shed their leaves, we invite change to be transformed. When we relinquish these burdens, we make space for personal and spiritual growth. True wisdom often comes from understanding the seasons of the soul.

By embracing seasonal change, we connect with life differently with wisdom and patience to flourish. Autumnal rains are not there to undermine our faith in God but build like the nature of trees.   They shed their leaves in autumn yet begin new growth in spring of the following year.  A cycle repeated for the next 50 to 100 years or more.   No different to the seasons of the soul.

We haven’t lost control and neither God, the Caretaker, doesn’t care.   Seasons of the soul is something to look forward to during change one season to another – to grow daily, transform and thrive in the beautiful hands of God.  I have discovered that in my life and hope you do.   I also hope you experience the flourishing of the seasons in your life.   Amen.

Stay blessed with love

Reverend Rickey Simpson-Gray
Parish of Wokingham St Sebastian’s



A Parish Prayer for October

Sovereign Lord,

Thank you for the seasons of the year.

How they speak to me so clearly,

   of the cycles of my Christian journey.

Be merciful to me daily,

   to experience more of your salvation.

Be kind to me,

  when I have struggled

   to make sense of my life.

Love me most,

  For the times I don’t understand.

I know that I have not lost control, and

  challenges won’t last forever.

They are the seasons of my soul.

Thank you, Lord
